Be'er Maim Haim

Rabbi Yoram Abergel was born in the south of the country to a modest family and has been active in education for love of Israel and Torah learning all his life. He began in a small shelter in Netivot and built a network of large institutions headed by Kol Rina which today has 3000 students. The rabbi was very modest and continued to dedicate all his energies to doing good and kindness. This rabbi who touched the lives of many Jews who have been supported by his advice, a good word, encouragement and bringing them closer to the path of Torah died in 2015.

The Be’er Mayim Haim educational network, also founded by the rabbi, was established in 1999 with the aim of working in the fields of Judaism and education as a direct continuation of his dedicated Torah practice, along with the love and inclusion of every Jew.

The Goal: Education

The city of Netivot has become, over the past decade, a religious cultural center attracting a diverse population with different characteristics and levels of observance of religion and Jewish tradition. The positive immigration to the city, which is growing significantly brings many Haredi families in need of a response to their children’s education. In the vast majority of cases, these are families with many children from a low socioeconomic background, which makes it difficult to provide their children with the appropriate education.

The supply of institutions for ultra-Orthodox education is also very low.

The Education Network in Be’er-Haim has strived to expand the range of educational institutions in the south in general and in Netivot in particular, which is the largest center for addressing the need for ultra-Orthodox quality education of the highest quality and for every family regardless of its economic situation.

The network currently consists of 2 day care centers, 18 kindergartens, 3 elementary schools, a school that operates a special education department, a girls’ high school, a small yeshiva and a girls’ seminar under construction. The total number of students attending the network is about 1,900 children, boys and girls from all over the South and they are provided with.

The main value on the basis of which the network operates is to strengthen quality and accessible ultra-Orthodox educational services, to implement empowerment programs, and to strengthen Torah study and love for the residents of the south.